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FAIR USE NOTICE: This webpage may contain copyrighted quotes & images whose use has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. XITIZAP is making this webpage available in its effort to advance understanding of ecological sustainability and environmental justice issues. XITIZAP believes that this constitute a "fair use" of the copyrighted material as provided for in relevant sections of planetarian laws. However, if XITIZAP has unwittingly used material requiring copyright, we kindly request the copyright holder to bring the matter to our attention so that due acknowledgment may be made. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes of your own that go beyond "fair use", you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. |
xitizap # 4 inverno 2003 |
qualidade de um sistema eléctrico
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ESB Transmission Planning Criteria
Overvoltages & Switching Capacitor banks
Overvoltages & Insulation Coordination
Hydro-Quebec measuring Power Quality |
estudos digitais por Luis Cipriano page 1 e 8 |
xitizap # 4 |
Pátria que me Pariu |
Matias Ntundo |
o genoma humano e áfrica |
A criança de Herto |
Crise à Mesa? |
elektro papos |
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