Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen,


Mr. Chairman,


Dear Seafarers



The reason why I am here trying to deliver an input on “Maritime Security between Piracy and Trade Corridors” is because, at CESAB, we understand that the emergent Energy and Mining Corridors are likely to induce a radically new stage of maritimity all along the Afro-Índico and before 2020.


But let me start with three apologies:


# 1 – for reasons of simplification, throughout this presentation I will use the term Afro-Índico as a denomination for what the traditional literature calls the Western Indian Ocean – I firmly believe that the African Indian Ocean is on the verge of attaining an identity that calls for a more proper status of sovereignty.


# 2 – considering that in Portuguese the vocable Segurança has a quite large amplitude and, somehow, it does not often accurately differentiate between Security and Safety [like in English, and in French (securité et sureté)], I will stick with the anglo-french differentiation because, in this case, it helps to reflect more adequately the strong need for emphasizing the specificities of the various challenges, both in terms of security and safety.


# 3 – throughout this presentation there is an extensive use of the acronym MTPA, which means Million Tonnes Per Annum – that’s the unit of magnitude for the emergent flows of coal, gas and minerals.


That said,


let me rapidly tell you about a journey I made through the Periodic Table of the Chemical Elements of the Afro-Índico in search of drivers of maritime change in 2010-2020 – be it due to their volumes and tonnages, their worth and/or their strategic significance for hitech companies and/or sophisticated military applications.


In this presentation, I will share with you some of the findings of an essay being prepared for CESAB and that will be publicly available soon.

Energy and Mining Corridors 2020

Good Morning

... Coal

Fluvial ideas


natural gas

Mining Extractions

Routes & Dialogues